Let me introduce myself  ;)  image
My name is Ania and It is my pleasure to invite you to 
DREAM lifestyle OPPORTUNITIES BUILDER which I present on this website of mine.

I have always loved travelling, exploring new places, meeting new faces.
Already as few year old I loved to go on family exursions, later on on summer camps
- especially by the seaside which I love the most ...
My previous and even present occupation is within TOURISM.
I studies English Philology to be able to teach English beause it is used worldwidein TOURISM

Along the timespan my desire for travelling was getting stronger and stronger
so I took my chances to be flight attendant and so I was enjoying 13 magic TRAVEL-FILLED years with one Eurpean airline.
Well, all is well that ends well and every end is a beginning of something new and more exciting.

I have decided to try my chances in business online also within TRAVEL and HOLIDAYS branch
and despite challenging times of 2020 (we all know what that meant) I am totally in love with
3 companies I am proud to represent and both of them offer me what my ex-airline couldn't and wouldn't
so therefore I am inviting you all to TRY new OPPORTUNITIES in BUSINESS ONLINE
or even if you only are willing to be HAPPIER HOLIDAYERs ENJOYING more HOLIDAYING for LESS
and I mean it !
The three DREAM-HOLIDAY Companies I cooperate with - offer budget-friendly deals for all wallets for families, for groups of friends, for couples, even for singles (as I believe that 'single' does not mean ''alone'') and besides most of the time and occassions TRAVELLERS and HOLIDAYERS stick together ;)
REGARDLESS whether you prefer to HOLIDAY on LANDs or on SEAs and OCEANs
you may really love the ideas pretty much ;)
I love them all and since I believe that I don't have to choose which one is better
- for me BOTH are great to BENEFIT from - that's why I promote both,
 Each is UNIQUE in its services where I am enjoying and getting generously rewarded for cooperation and spend less on my RELAXing stays or RETREATs or BUSINESS on-duty STAYs  


My other passion is applying POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY in practice - to make my human experience here on Earth a vaulable and worth living truly fully and unregretably!
It is a fact that whether you were born in poor or rich family - at some point of time
YOU have the POWER to change your LIFE for BETTER, for the one you TRULY DESIRE to LIVE
IT is in your POWER to DECIDE how you WANT to FEEL throughout your entire day
all you have to do - is to FOCUS yourTHINKING on WHAT you WANT !
I am truly fascinated by MENTORS like BOB PROCTOR, and few others I love to get inspired from and apply their teachings effectively to upgrade standards of my material, mental and spiritual living
and so
it will be my biggest pleasure to UNITE with others who have similar GOALS in life like me.

So I will be sharing with you PERSONAL and BUBSINESS OPPORTUNITIES thank to which I am totally in love with the lifestyle I am developing since I have joined those projects.



is under constant development so you may get suprised
when you will be visiting it that some changes will have taken place ;)
some additional PASSIVE INCOME SOURCE offering SERVICES have been added

This website is filled with PROJECTS which I consider worth DEVELOPING for dream future plans
and I love it that way ;)

well ...
HAVE a LOOK around
IF you think that what I initially promote here is within your INTEREST as only a client
or mabye
in the future even BUSINESS PARTNER in any of the PROJECTS I am engaged here

then you are in right WEBSITE in right place and right time ;)

and I hope to get in touch with you without any time to waste ;)

limitless & unstoppable
Conscious Wealth Creator
Ania :*