For those of you who love or dream about VOYAGE CRUISE HOLIDAYS on the seas and oceans
IMAGINE - that you spend one or two or even few week stay in a hotel floating on international waters
with all amenities in one place while spending each day somewhere else ...
It is a perfect combination for those who like to have relax with some sightseeing options :)
If you belong to this group of people


feel more than welcome to join this BUDGET-FRIENDLY opportunity
to HOLIDAY more for less, with CO-FINANCING for loyal active members
and for BUSINESS PARTNERS - even costfree ! :D
our CRUISE PRICES - fit everybody's wallet :)
co-financing with 25% - till 50% less on booking costs for loyal members

why would you take loans or credits for your dream holiday
if you can get co-financing in this club ?
(while bank would only add you expences for taking a loan)

- get registered to:👉

where you can have a look what kinds of CRUISES we offer
and if you like the idea
- you can start getting cofinancing for your VOYAGE cruise HOLDAYS as our happy holidayer :)
and/or you can
- start cooperating with us - as our business partner while being a client (but not neccessarily)

for business purposes or any other questions - get in touch with me :)
​contact details can be found on 

May you enjoy your HOLIDAY-lifestyle :)

I'm more than happy to hear that you are joining us TODAY :)